Rural Schools Village Program

RSVP Cambodia


We at Rural School Village Program seek to provide better accessibility of education throughout Cambodia. Alongside building schools, we continue to provide school supplies, to supplement teacher’s wages, and to build/repair essentials such as toilets and wells. Additionally, RSVP assists bachelor’s and master’s students with need-based scholarships.

Continuously growing and supporting Cambodian education, one school at a time!

To US + all other non-UK: Click on the button below to donate via PayPal.

To UK citizens ONLY: Click on the Globalteer button to donate with GiftAid.

How we got here:

For 35 years in the not so distant past, war raged in Cambodia. Fighting and bombing heavily occured in the north and west, where most remaining landmines are found. Communities in these areas are therefore deprived of fundamental infrastructure. Phase 1 to resolving this humanitarian issue is the clearing of active minefields in the area, which many NGOs tackle like our partners at Landmine Relief Fund and Cambodian Self-Help Demining.

Phase 2 is where RSVP steps-in by providing an essential part of unlocking human flourishing: education. In 2014, with the help of Bill Morse at Landmine Relief Fund, Heanh Sokunthea founded RSVP and, as aforementioned, has seen to the construction of 32 schools where close to 3,800 students are taught (as of March 2024). Much of our impact has been in the Northwestern region of the Cambodia, but we plan to expand wherever necessary, by paved, gravel or dirt road.

How we do it:

Each of our schools are funded by sponsors, donors, and friends. Villages typically reach out to RSVP after hearing of us word-of-mouth, and our team evaluates the community to determine eligibility for support. If eligible, the villages provide the land, secure necessary licenses, and help build the school. We provide the tools and support to help them thrive self-reliantly!

The original Ou Chrey School, first constructed in 2003. The new school building can be seen here.

Village “iPads” – green chalkboard slabs – and the notebooks with landmine education and contact information to Cambodian Self-Help Demining.

Contact Us

If you would like to make a school supplies donation, you can drop it off to the Cambodia Landmine Museum in Siem Reap or get in touch with us at to schedule a time and place somewhere in the country. We are also interested in collaborative fundraisers!

If you do not live in Cambodia, you can still support this great cause by donating to RSSO partner at If you would like to be acknowledged for donating, please do not hesitate to email us!