Monkey Head Lake School
RSVP Cambodia
School Statistics
Coordinates: 102°44’11.673″E13°2’15.579″N
Year School Completed: 2015
(Original school completed in 2012)
Number of Students: 49
Teachers: 3
Size of School Building: 3 rooms
Donated By: Pierre and Complete Cambodia
School Story
The land directly across from Monkey Head Lake School was a minefield that our parent NGO, Cambodian Self-Help Demining, had cleared. The village chief approached Aki Ra and had told him that there was no school in the area for the children to attend. They would have to travel 5 kilometers just to the nearest schools.
Aki Ra and his deminers decided to build them a school as soon as he could, so they looked around the village to find the materials. The new school was up in a few weeks.
In 2015, on a trip to check on the progress of the school, we found at that the school had grown in size and they no longer fit in the original school house. So we built them a new one! The new Monkey Head Lake School has 3 classrooms with windows and doors as well as a toilet block!
Thank you to Pierre and Complete Cambodia for the funding the build this school!