Toul Kor Koh School
RSVP Cambodia
School Statistics:
Coordinates: 102°30’16.498″E13°16’31.626″N
Year School Completed: 2015
Number of Students: 139
Teachers: 4
School Size: 4 classrooms
Donated By: David and Elsa
School Story
The original school at TKK had collapsed after a strong storm had hit the village. This past 2015 school year, the children had to forgo attending school the rest of the year and several boys traveled to the neighboring village to attend their school. This too was difficult because of the distance between the two villages and road flooding during the rainy season.
After discussing with the villagers if they would be willing to commit themselves to building a school for their community, we decided that TKK would be a perfect candidate for an RSVP school! When we left, we contacted our building supplier, Chandy, to let her know that we needed material and that the villagers were working to prep the land.
Chandy called the village chief to get directions, to ask when she should deliver materials, and to ask when the land would be ready begin construction. To her surprise, it was already cleared, and they were prepping it now. They asked her to send the supplies asap.
Chandy said she would check with RSVP first, but the villagers said “No, no, just bring it here now. Maybe they will change their minds if you call them”.
We don’t change our minds when we make a promise!
Building this new school provided all of these children with the opportunity to receive an education! The new school at TKK is a 4 room, wooden building with a metal roof, cement floor, and enough school materials and supplies for 200 students.
Thanks to David and Elsa for providing the funding to build this school!